IN WASATCH COUNTY The Federal Government is proposing to replace approximately 20 miles of existing natural dirt canals with a concrete ditch or a pipe. This project has the potential to have a devastating effect by isolating water and travel for several thousand acres of winter habitat for deer and elk. It also proposes to remove certain of sections of fishing and sensitive riparian habitat. There is currently a period in which the public can express their concerns to have an impact on the pending environmental assessment. They are soliciting comments on an environmental assessment on or before 6/20/13. ***DEADLINE HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO JULY 12th, 2013***

Project Map

Project Map

This Becomes This

This Becomes This

They need you

They need you
A small section of the project has already been completed with a deadly preview for wildlife.

Nearly a mile of stream lost off the old Highway 40

Nearly a mile of stream lost off the old Highway 40
There is also an area within the project located on the valley floor that contains sensitive riparian habitat and fishing and bird watching opportunities.

We Need You

If you feel strongly about any of these issues, you must make the difference. Please take a minute to fill out an online comment card.

Please let them know that the Wasatch Canal north of SR 32 is an important riparian and fishing area and that it should be preserved for this purpose.

Comments should include:
*This stretch of the Wasatch Canal is prime riparian habitat. *This will remove this section of stream for fishing and riparian habitat.
*Fishing and hiking opportunities for over a mile will be lost. *There should be more study done about escape ramps and bridges for wildlife along the 20 mile stretch of this proposed project.
*The most northern reach of the Wasatch Canal located from SR 32 to the Provo River diversion poses no health or safety risk. *Not only are adjacent property values negatively affected, but it diminishes the visual appeal and as a result, real estate values will diminish throughout entire valley.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Economic Issues

 Just a few short years ago many  farmers and landowners sold property under the threat of eminent domain for a blue ribbon fishery on the Provo River and its tributaries.  That property was acquired for riparian habitat and fishing access of this natural existing fishery. Part of the $25 million dollars spent for that project included approximately 3/4 mile of property adjacent to this stream. The government now proposes to  abandon this idea of habitat and eliminate the fishing and recreation opportunities in lieu of efficiency.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Recreation Resources

Hundreds of visitors come every week to the old highway 40 area to relax, go fishing, hiking and enjoy the wildlife. By removing this section of the Wasatch canal it take nearly a mile of this opportunity away.  

Loss of Visual Resources and Vegetation

Many visitors and new residents of Heber Valley come here for the outdoor feel.  Presently as one approaches the valley on the freeway from the north, they are greeted with green fields and natural streams lined with trees.  If this proposal is executed the visitors entering the valley from the north will be greeted with a barren ribbon of concrete and an access easement in which no trees are allowed. Not only are adjacent property values  negatively affected  but it diminishes the visual appeal and therefore overall real estate values diminish throughout entire valley.

Maintenance and Efficiency

 The upper section of the Wasatch Canal is at a decent grade.  The water moves smoothly and efficiently over a flat cobble bed through this stretch.  There is no danger of seepage and no loss of water what so ever.

In the last ten plus years this project has been implemented not one dollar of tax payer money has been expended to maintain this stretch of stream.  Weeds are minimal because of lush vegetation. No equipment time or cost of man hours were required to maintain this portion of the canal.  Currently efficiency is high and maintenance cost are virtually non existent.

Health and Safety

The most northern reach of the Wasatch Canal located from SR 32 to the Provo River diversion poses no health or safety risk.  It is not located above or adjacent to any populated areas.  It is located in the bottom of the valley. The stream bed also sits well below the elevation of surrounding terrain, some 6 to 10 feet below in much of the area.   No breach is possible therefore no life or property can be threatened by this stretch of the river.